If you happen to be endowed with larger assets on top, finding a bikini that looks good and fits well can be quite the endeavor. For larger busts, wearing a simple triangle top can be tricky. The thin straps just don’t cut it when it comes to holding you up. In fact, they’re likely to just cut into your skin and make your shoulders uncomfortable the entire time you’re wearing it. Also the cups themselves are sometimes questionable and you’re left worrying if you’re going to risk yourself to accidental exposure. For the ladies out there who know exactly what I’m referring to, consider the Sweetheart Top. First off, it’s obvious that this style offers a lot more coverage. More coverage means more fabric, and more fabric means more support. The straps on this style are wider which also adds to the overall support of this top. Second, all this glorious coverage and support is designed in a way that’s actually cute and stylish. That big crystal ring in the center is light years away from looking frumpy. Yes ladies, hot bikinis for your body type do exist so grab them up and have some fun at the beach!
Tags: bigger busts, bikini fit, comfortable bikini, sweetheart top